Grand Discovery Days Covered The Weekend : 6.14.10

Photos By Paul Purpura ©2010 : : Antique cars line the lawn of Pharsalia in Tyro as part of Grand Discovery Days held this past weekend. Click on any photo to enlarge.
Photos By Paul Purpura ©2010 : : Antique cars line the lawn of Pharsalia in Tyro as part of Grand Discovery Days held this past weekend. Click on any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia
It was a busy weekend across Nelson as the summer season is kicking into full gear. Grand Discovery Days highlighted Saturday and Sunday’s events all over the county as part of the Nelson Scenic Loop.

Peter Agelasto speaks to some of the people in attendance at the start of Grand Discovery Days in Spruce Creek Park this past Saturday morning.
Peter Agelasto speaks to some of the people in attendance at the start of Grand Discovery Days in Spruce Creek Park this past Saturday morning.
Allen, Chris, Andrew and Danny Hodge, local juggling superstars, opened Grand Discovery Days with a performance at Spruce Creek Park.
Allen, Chris, Andrew and Danny Hodge, local juggling superstars, opened Grand Discovery Days with a performance at Spruce Creek Park.
The Junior Hodge isn't old enough to be juggling just yet, but bet it won't be too long!
The Junior Hodge isn't old enough to be juggling just yet, but bet it won't be too long!
Photo by Yvette Stafford : Part of a prelude to the Grand Discovery Days was an old fashioned square dance held at RVCC. The event was sponsored by the Nelson County Community Foundation.
Photo by Yvette Stafford : Part of a prelude to the Grand Discovery Days was an old fashioned square dance held at RVCC. The event was sponsored by the Nelson County Community Foundation.
Saturday, People gathered on the lawn at Pharsalia in Tyro to enjoy a meal as another stop on the Nelson Scenic Loop.
Saturday, People gathered on the lawn at Pharsalia in Tyro to enjoy a meal as another stop on the Nelson Scenic Loop.
Pharsalia has a rich Nelson history dating back to the 1700's.
Pharsalia has a rich Nelson history dating back to the 1700's.
Dinah Ashely plays music at The Java Depot as part of another stop on the loop.
Dinah Ashely plays music at The Java Depot as part of another stop on the loop.
The Piney Mountain Boys played authentic mountain music at The Dodd Cabin as part of another loop attraction.
The Piney Mountain Boys played authentic mountain music at The Dodd Cabin as part of another loop attraction.
Another stop on the NSL was Skylark Farm just off of the Blue Ridge Parkway northwest of Montebello. It's best known for its nearby Christmas Tree Farm.
Another stop on the NSL was Skylark Farm just off of the Blue Ridge Parkway northwest of Montebello. It's best known for its nearby Christmas Tree Farm.
Jeff Trollinger of the VA Dept Of Game and Inland Fisheries talks to a group gathered at Skylark Farm this past Sunday.
Jeff Trollinger of the VA Dept Of Game and Inland Fisheries talks to a group gathered at Skylark Farm this past Sunday.
Kids fly kites in the wide open fields at Skylark Farm where Grand Discovery Days wrapped up this past Sunday.
Kids fly kites in the wide open fields at Skylark Farm where Grand Discovery Days wrapped up this past Sunday.

The official celebration commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Blue Ridge Parkway will be held later this year, but tons of events are taking place all summer long. You can read more by clicking here.

Nelson Scenic Loop on the web by clicking here.


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