Grand Discovery Days


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Kickoff at 9:30 AM at Spruce Creek Park on Saturday June 12. featuring Hodge Family Jugglers, auto rally of two antique auto clubs and other local cars, unveiling of Pat Saunder’s print. cars motor south on Rt 151 past review at ELK HILL, then most to Mac’s Market to pick up lunch and to Pharsalia for house tour, the Golden Harps and bring your own picnic.

During the day also Java Depot festival, Monkeclaus recording studio demonstration, Montebello Fish Hatchery 80th anniversary; Lescene Forest program, Music Festivasl at Love Mountain and Piney Mountain.

Begin the day with visit to Tuckahoe fair and antique sale and the Farmer’s Market.

Event Date: Saturday 12th of June 2010 09:30 AM

Location/Address: 1368 Rockish Valley Highway

Contact Telephone Please call 434 226 0446 for more information