Mild Weather Continues : T-Storms Later : 6.8.10

Photo By Ann Strober : ©2010 : Farmers took advantage of great weather Monday to haul hay from the fields. Tuesday will be nice again, but storms are on the way.
Photo By Ann Strober : ©2010 : Farmers took advantage of great weather Monday to haul hay from the fields. Tuesday will be nice again, but storms are on the way.

Nelson County, Virginia
After a very hot and muggy weekend, Monday was a total pleasure! Temperatures topped out in the Rockfish Valley around 80° with mountain temps a very nice 68°. Even better, the humidity took a vacation and will do the same today!

By late tonight, the chance for showers and thunderstorms will be back in the forecast with the best chances coming during the afternoon hours Wednesday.

Listen to Tommy’s complete weather forecast by clicking here!


  1. Tommy: Thank you for putting that other way to click to get the weather. My computer couldn’t take the first method.

    Rosemary Weiss


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