Nelson County, Virginia
This past weekend capped off a year’s worth of planning and raising funds for the 2010 Nelson County Relay For Life. When all was said and done over $87,000.00 was raised!
Ramona Wright, at right, consoles Johnny Gillespie as he remembers his grandmother during the luminary ceremony at the Relay for Life event held at Nelson County High School, Saturday May 15, 2010.Amy Howard holds up 12 inches of her pony tail that hairdresser Kim Beverly just cut off for the Locks of Love at the Relay for Live held Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School. Howard's donated hair will go to make a wig for a cancer patient.John Wright plays the guitar and sings with his friend Lynwood Bridge as they pass some time during the Relay for Life, held Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School.Rows of luminaries line the track at Nelson County High School during the luminary ceremony held during the Relay for Life Event.Sue Harlow, second from left, Annette Campbell and Rita Mayo remember family members who have passed away during the luminary ceremony at the Relay for Life event, held Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School.Kristin Hill, Taylor Bibb and Courtney Coleman watch the Relay Idol contest Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School. Contestants sang and then had to collect money from the crowd to see who would win the contest.Bridesmaid Kasey Thompson, second from left, holds the train while Ethan and Brittany Wood get ready lo leave the Relay for Life event Saturday at Nelson County High School. The new couple left their wedding reception to walk a lap to remember some of their relatives who died of cancerErica Campbell sings Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood during the Relay Idol contest. She was one of two people competing to see who would win by collecting the most donations at the Relay for Life held Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School.Karyn Ellis and Jay Goodwin of Arrington walk the track at the Relay for Life held Saturday May 15, 2010 at Nelson County High School.Mike Pappas and Margie Rossenberry walk the track at Nelson County High school during the Relay for Life held Saturday May 15, 2010.
Congrats to everyone participating in this year’s Relay For Life!
You really are Nelson’s news source! Thanks for the great Relay coverage.
It was a great success. This was my first year to participate and I can not wait until next year. I live away and it was great to come home and see the community join together.
The churches of Fairmount and Shipman Baptist particpated at the energy station tent. Both churches were well represented and so glad to give out water bottles and fruit to the walkers. This is my family’s second year to walk. My husband, Blly Smith is a cancer survivor and he along with other members of our family and church members joined in the walk. Thank you for being such a wonderful New Source.
You really are Nelson’s news source! Thanks for the great Relay coverage.
It was a great success. This was my first year to participate and I can not wait until next year. I live away and it was great to come home and see the community join together.
The churches of Fairmount and Shipman Baptist particpated at the energy station tent. Both churches were well represented and so glad to give out water bottles and fruit to the walkers. This is my family’s second year to walk. My husband, Blly Smith is a cancer survivor and he along with other members of our family and church members joined in the walk. Thank you for being such a wonderful New Source.