Antique Fair & Yard Sale @ Tuckahoe School : 6.12.10 @ 8AM to 3PM


Wintergreen Property Owners Association is sponsoring a fund raiser to complete a kitchen for the Tuckahoe School community building June 12, 2010, 8am-3pm.This event will include an antique show/sale, yard sale, entertainment by: Misty Strings, 9:45 am-11:30am,Hot Jam Band, 11:45-1:15 pm and Hobo Jack, 1:30-3:00pm. There will be a “Devils Backbone Hole in One Contest” with a $50.00 gift certificate to Devil’s Backbone Brewery to the winner, raffles and refreshments. All activities will be held at the Tuckahoe school house on Monocan Drive in Stoney Creek.

This is a great opportunity to clean out your garage, basement, attic, or sell some of those wonderful items your aunt left you that you can’t fit in your home. Spaces for the yard sale are available by calling 434-361-2464. Rent for a 12’x12′ space is $20:00 or inside 12×12′ space is $40:00. If you have articles you want to donate to the WPOA space call and bring your articles to the School, Friday, June 11, after 4pm. Additional information, please call:361-2226.

Event Date: Saturday 12th of June 2010 08:00 AM

Location/Address: Monocan Drive, Stoney Creek, Nellysford

Contact Telephone Please call 434-361-1214 for more information


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