Board of Supervisors : 4.22.10


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr.
Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Harvey

MR. HANK SCHEIB, Arrington, said that he is concerned about roaming dogs in
the county. He said that four weeks ago his family dog was killed on his
front porch by pitbulls. He said roaming dogs in the county are causing
emotional and economic losses and that an ordinance is needed to control
these dogs.
MS. ELIZABETH SNEAD, Arrington, said that she is terrified of dogs after
having been bitten. She said that she had six stray dogs in her yard this
week and was a virtual prisoner in her home. She said that she should be
able to take a walk without worrying and that she should feel safe.
MS. DARLENE OWENS, Arrington, said that she has been tormented by these dogs
in her own yard. She said that she feels in danger walking down the street
and urged the county to adopt a confinement ordinance to protect the animals
and people.
MS. GRETCHEN PRICE, Tyro and a Director with the SPCA, said that proper
containment of animals can solve a lot of problems, including the problem of
lost pets.
MR. DAVE HOLM, Lovingston Veterinary Hospital, said that rarely a week goes
by that there is not some issue with a family pet being hurt or killed by
roaming dogs. He said that the problem is not with any one particular breed
but is across the board. He said that confinement can be done humanely and
the county can adopt a progressive ordinance to protect all.
MS. BETTY GRAHAME, Almost Home Animal Shelter, said that there are
frequently now dogs confined at the county animal shelter awaiting court
cases because they have gotten into trouble. She urged a confinement

JOINT PUBLIC HEARING/FLOOD PLAIN: Planning Commissioners (Ms. Philippa
Proulx, Ms. Emily Hunt, Mr. Mike Tapager and Ms. Linda Russell) opened their
joint meeting. Mr. Boger introduced Mr. Charlie Banks, State Flood Plain
Coordinator with VA Department of Conservation & Recreation. Mr. Boger said
that the FEMA maps have been incorporated into the county’s zoning maps and
must be adopted by May 11, 2010 in order for the county to participate in
the federal flood insurance program. He noted that the proposed amendments
to the Flood Plain ordinance incorporate the changes and can be more
restrictive than the FEMA ordinances but cannot be less restrictive. Mr.
Boger said that individual property owners can ask for a map amendment with
a survey showing that their property is above the base flood elevation.

During the Public Hearing, MR. GENE BEARD, Lovingston & Tyro, said that he
does not want to deal with the expense of getting his land out of the flood
zone. He said that this is a big joke and things should stay like they are.
He said the county is going to lose money because they are going to have to
lower his taxes if they put his land in a flood zone.
MR. DANNY STEVENS, Tyro, said that his 69 acres on Harper’s Creek is now all
in the flood zone but there was no flooding on his land in 1969. He said it
should not be in the flood zone and he does not see the point to the new

After the Public Hearing, Mr. Banks said that the new maps are based on more
accurate data and topography information. He said that if the county does
not adopt the maps, the maps become effective anyway. He said that if the
county does not participate in the program, federal flood insurance, which
is much less expensive than private insurance, would not be available to
residents. Ms. Brennan noted that the county has no control over the maps
and is trying to do the best possible for all the residents.

Planning Commissioners asked to consider the amendments and make their
recommendation to the Supervisors at their April 28th meeting. Supervisors
agreed and Commissioners adjourned their meeting.

SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECTS: After discussion, Supervisors voted 5-0 to fund
replacement (asphalt shingle) of the Tye River Elementary School roof and
replacement of the windows at Tye River and Rockfish River Elementary
Schools for approximately $750,000 – $800,000. The funding will come from
the courthouse project set aside/contingency and funds remaining from the
Piney River project. Supervisors directed staff to work with school board
staff to determine whether there is any legal recourse on the incorrectly
installed windows.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution


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