RVCC Skateborders Raising Money To Pave : 3.29.10

Photos By Yvette Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : This past Saturday lots of skateboarders turned out to help raise money for pavement around the RVCC skate ramp. Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, looks on hoping for his chance in the future! Click to enlarge.
Photos By Yvette Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : This past Saturday lots of skateboarders turned out to help raise money for pavement around the RVCC skate ramp. Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, looks on hoping for his chance in the future! Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

Back in September of 2009 we told you about Skatenelson.org and their dedication of Nelson’s first skate ramp built behind the Rockfish Valley Community Center in Afton. This past weekend lots of the boarders got together and held a cookout to help raise money to get the area around the ramp paved.

Not a bad start! Some of the green collected Saturday to fund the paving job.
Not a bad start! Some of the green collected Saturday to fund the paving job.
Adam thinks, if only, maybe one day!
Adam thinks, if only, maybe one day!

You can read more about the building and history of the ramp here.


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