Lane Closure Planned On US 29 @ Tye River Bridge : 3.26.10

Clikc on image for latest from VDOT.
Clikc on image for latest from VDOT.

LYNCHBURG – Motorists who use Route 29 North over the Tye River at the Amherst/Nelson County line should expect lane closures beginning Monday, March 29, weather permitting.

Contractors working for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will begin to do borings in the roadway and along the shoulder in preparation for the replacement of the northbound bridge.

During this operation, one lane of northbound US 29 will be closed to allow workers safe access. Signs and other traffic controls devices will be used to alert motorists to this work.

For information about highway work zones, visit HYPERLINK or call 511.


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