Blue Ridge Parkway A Long Way From Clearing : 2.22.10

©2010 : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Deep drifting snow blocks the road as far as the eye can see looking south on the BRP from Reeds Gap. Click any photo to enlarge.
©2010 : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Deep drifting snow blocks the road as far as the eye can see looking south on the BRP from Reeds Gap. Click any photo to enlarge.

Blue Ridge Parkway
Nelson County, Virginia

Lots of locals and many visitors use the Blue Ridge Parkway as a means of getting around a little quicker, even in the winter months when it’s open. The BRP hasn’t been open very much since the December 19th snow that dumped 2 feet and then some along the parkway. Though it briefly opened after the heavy flooding rains in January, it’s essentially been closed due to a heavy, deep snow pack.

A snow bank of nearly 4-5 feet blocks the BRP looking north from Reeds Gap. Beyond that drifts equally as high block portions of the parkway.
A snow bank of nearly 4-5 feet blocks the BRP looking north from Reeds Gap. Beyond that drifts equally as high block portions of the parkway.
Cross country hikers and skiers get suited up Sunday afternoon at the Route 664 - BRP intersection.
Cross country hikers and skiers get suited up Sunday afternoon at the Route 664 - BRP intersection.

Though the parkway has been closed to traffic, it’s been ideal for cross country hikers and skiers that want the road all to themselves. This past Sunday numerous people took advantage of the conditions.

This sign pretty much says it all. Just beyond it is the BRP route toward Love, VA.
This sign pretty much says it all. Just beyond it is the BRP route toward Love, VA.

A 50 degree day up on the BRP did help to melt some of the snow, and rains early this week will do even more, but it’s a safe bet the parkway will be closed well into the near future.

Photo By Ann Strober : A small reminder that warmer days are ahead! Ann grabbed this shot Sunday near Nellysford, VA.
Photo By Ann Strober : A small reminder that warmer days are ahead! Ann grabbed this shot Sunday near Nellysford, VA.

You can always check on the status of the Blue Ridge Parkway here in Nelson and Virginia in our BRP Road Report by clicking here.


  1. Where oh where are my XC skis???? Oh, well, will settle for hiking boots and camera!!!!
    SPECTACULAR photos…….Enjoy the ride!!


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