Flooding Continues Across Nelson Co, VA This Afternoon : Updated Pics @ 1:30 PM

©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Two people look at a raging Rockfish River that has blocked Route 635 (Greenfield Rd) at the intersection of Cole's Farm Road. Click any photo to enlarge.
©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Two people look at a raging Rockfish River that has blocked Route 635 (Greenfield Rd) at the intersection of Cole's Farm Road. Click any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia
As we first told you this morning, widespread flooding has occurred across Nelson County this Monday morning. Nelson County Public Schools have closed due to the flooding as many roads remain closed early Monday morning. In Gladstone, some residents evacuated due to extensive flooding in the SE part of Nelson County.

The following roads remained closed as of 9:15 AM this morning according to Nelson County Sheriff, David Brooks:
-Rockfish River Rd
-South Powell Island Road near Tye River
-Glenthorne Loop
-Greenfield Road
-Rose Mill Road
-Old Roseland Road
-Gulleysville Road (Near Nellysford)

Water has completely blocked Glenthorne Loop just behind the former Spruce Creek Gallery headed toward the Rockfish Airpark.
Water has completely blocked Glenthorne Loop just behind the former Spruce Creek Gallery headed toward the Rockfish Airpark.
A closer look at the bridge blocked by flood water from Spruce Creek.
A closer look at the bridge blocked by flood water from Spruce Creek.
Photo By Kevin Rose : Rockfish River Road (Route 617) is closed due to high water. The road has been colsed at the US 29 intersection.
Photo By Kevin Rose : Rockfish River Road (Route 617) is closed due to high water. The road has been colsed at the US 29 intersection.
Photo By Lyna Watson : Looking north from near the intersection of Route 151 & 6 at Martins Store.
Photo By Lyna Watson : Looking north from near the intersection of Route 151 & 6 at Martins Store.
Photo By Goodwin Creek Farm & Bakery : Goodwin Creek as seen from their bakery looking toward Route 151.
Photo By Goodwin Creek Farm & Bakery : Goodwin Creek as seen from their bakery looking toward Route 151.
Another view of Greenfield Road just before the bridge near the entrance to Shannon Farm.
Another view of Greenfield Road just before the bridge near the entrance to Shannon Farm.
Kevin Rose in Rockfish, Virginia sent us this picture of the raging river going under the railroad in the eastern section of the county.
Kevin Rose in Rockfish, Virginia sent us this picture of the raging river going under the railroad in the eastern section of the county.
Photo By ideabuzzing : Flood Water in Gladstone in SE Nelson County, VA
Photo By ideabuzzing : Flood Water in Gladstone in SE Nelson County, VA

John Lloyd emailed us saying; “Wow! The rivers/creeks are the highest that I’ve seen — lived in Nelson since May 1998. If you could get some pictures of the creek beside Route 6 East (about 1/4 mile from Route 151) and the flood plain just south of Virginia Lane (by Tuckahoe Antique Mall). Never seen that much water in those places. Thanks for the great coverage, as usual.”
Editor’s note, those pics are coming up shortly! Thanks for the info John!

Photo By Gerald Boggs : Water streams down the hillside behind his Wayfayer Forge shop in Afton after three culverts became overwhelmed.
Photo By Gerald Boggs : Water streams down the hillside behind his Wayfayer Forge shop in Afton after three culverts became overwhelmed.
Another photo By Gerald Boggs : View from his window as the culverts were blocked.
Another photo By Gerald Boggs : View from his window as the culverts were blocked.
Water covered a large section of Blundell Hollow Rd. Monday morning.
Water covered a large section of Blundell Hollow Rd. Monday morning.
Photo By Jennifer Anderson Smith : Water & gravel rush across Route 250 headed up Afton Mountain near the railroad bridge. Several accidents occurred on 250 due to the flooding.
Photo By Jennifer Anderson Smith : Water & gravel rush across Route 250 headed up Afton Mountain near the railroad bridge. Several accidents occurred on 250 due to the flooding.
Photo By Jennifer Anderson Smith : Water pours down on to Route 250 from I-64 up above.
Photo By Jennifer Anderson Smith : Water pours down on to Route 250 from I-64 up above.

If you have any flooding pictures from around the county send them to us: info@nelsolncountylife.com or post them to our Facebook page.


  1. Boy, oh boy! Talk about living on “waterfront”! Our driveway in now lakefront as the stream has jumped its’ boundary by at least 100′. The good news is all the animals are fine, especially the ducks!!! Be careful everyone 🙂

  2. Several of the drainage culverts above me were overwhelmed with debris and became blocked. I woke up to two streams, one on each side of the house and a third running along the back. Not too bad. A little flooding inside one part of the house, driveway has a two foot wide and deep ravine, The blacksmith shop flooded and the runoff took out the corner of the dirt floor. The forge is sitting a little low. but the day is beautiful and fine for a bit of yard work 🙂

  3. Gerald,

    Wow! looks from the photos that the water may have been coming down from I-64 to Rt 250, across and then straight down to Rt 6 and around to you. Man that is a big flow!
    Hope all is Ok. I may have to cancel my trip to New Orleans.
    Give yell if ya need help.


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