Dueling Jazz Pianos play classic jazz & bebop in the Hamner Theater Cabaret, Saturday, Feb. 13.


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…a dueling fusion of bebop and classic jazz featuring Hod O’Brien & Jim Wray.

Music 7:30 pm, Doors/Bar/Food 6:30 pm.

Tickets are $20, or 2 for $35, includes food. Please call 434-361-1999 for reservations (required). Menu will be available here, http://www.hamnertheater.com/CabaretMenu

Hod O’Brien, local piano legend, and Jim Wray, upstart from California, team up for an entertaining evening of piano give and take.

Dueling Jazz Pianos was born from an accidental encounter that turned into a spontaneous two hour session – and it all started here at the Hamner!

Dueling Jazz Pianos have released a CD, Dueling Jazz Pianos, that will be available for purchase at the Cabaret show. Listen to a sample at our website, http://www.hamnertheater.com/Cabaret10/Dueling_Jazz_Pianos

Event Date: Saturday 13th of February 2010 06:30 PM

Location/Address: Hamner Theater

Contact Telephone Please call 434 361 1999 for more information


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