Louisiana: Constitution vs Commerce : Rescheduled to Feb 13th Due To Predicted Weather



Anti Federalist Jefferson’s presidency ended three years of Federalist rule under Washington and Adams. A Federalist majority in Congress during his first term however made for complications involving issues of Revolutionary War debt, a tenuous relationship with England, and French disruption of trade thru the Port of New Orleans. The birth of the two-party system, issues of Constitution versus commerce over the Louisiana Purchase, and International intrigue made for a volatile political atmosphere both locally and nationally. At the Nelson County High School Auditorium. $20 members, $25 nonmembers. Both performances: $30 members, $35 nonmenbers.

Event Date: Saturday 30th of January 2010 07:00 PM

Location/Address: Nelson County High School Auditorium

Contact Telephone Please call 434-325-7452 for more information


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