Snow Day! – Beautiful Up At Wintergreen & Down Below 12:20.09

©2009 All Photos : By Paul Purpura : The sun's out and the weather is perfect for skiing at Wintergreen Resort. Paul sent this to us right from the slopes!
©2009 All Photos : By Paul Purpura : The sun's out and the weather is perfect for skiing at Wintergreen Resort. Paul sent this to us right from the slopes!

Nelson County, Virginia
Slowly but surely people living in Nelson County are digging out. Many, however, are still stuck at home. If you aren’t on a main road, and don’t have some way to get your driveway plowed you can’t get out!

But for those that can, today is a fantastic day up at Wintergreen Resort.

Photo By Shelby Ralston Bruguiere : Down in the valley folks are having a fun time in Greenfield!
Photo By Shelby Ralston Bruguiere : Down in the valley folks are having a fun time in Greenfield!
Photo By Tommy Stafford : Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, had a great morning being pulled on the sled by mom, Yvette!
Photo By Tommy Stafford : Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, had a great morning being pulled on the sled by mom, Yvette!
By Tommy Stafford : Though plenty of snow remains on main roads, great progress is being made, at least one lane of 151 was cleared by noon Sunday.
By Tommy Stafford : Though plenty of snow remains on main roads, great progress is being made, at least one lane of 151 was cleared by noon Sunday.

Another storm system already taking shape, targeted for arrival around Christmas More in Tommy’s Audio Weather later tonight!

Have a fun Snow Day!


  1. Tommy – Does anyone know if the Glenthorne Loop (664) back to Winterhaven has been opened up? The south end was blocked by an abandoned car along the Bradford Pears yesterday afternoon.I got in via the north end, fed the cat, got supplies, and started back out only to find an abandoned White GMC TWO WHEEL DRIVE pick up blocking the way. After talking to a county employee who came up on a road grader, I backed all the way back to Winterhaven, turned around and went to check the south gate. Could not get past Mrs. Puckett’s because someone had wedged a green tractor across the road. I backed again to Winterhaven and parked the truck near the pond. Got out the snowshoes and blazed a trail through the woods back home (300 yards took 50 minutes and every ounce of strength I had. Linda is at her parent’s house taking care of them.

  2. We are on vacation in Quebec and appreciate your thorough coverage of “the” storm. Looking forward to getting back to Wintergreen — there’s more snow there than here at Mt Tremblant, Quebec. And the pictures on your web site are great.

  3. Greg I am not sure, I am posting this to someone I know living right near where you are talking about on FB. She may have more info, and we will let you know! Man that was a hike!

  4. I helped dig the gent with the white GMC pickup out of his trouble mid-day and out of the way. Glenthorne should be OK going in that direction, but the plow had not been through again. I have not tried the other entrance.

  5. Glenthorn loop is blocked still with a dark red van dead center in the road for at least 24 hours now just on the Winterhaven side of School House Lane. A truck tried to pass and slid into the new (very deep) ditch that VDOT just finished and is very stuck. Be very careful if you are coming from Winterhaven side towards the Ski Barn end of the Loop. It would be difficult to stop and the van is right over the crest of the hill. Stop at what used to be Paul Richard’s Shop and look over the bank before you go over.

  6. North end of Glenthorne Loop open—marginally. Don’t speed. Icey and snowpacked but is open.Winterhaven to VA 151 is open that way.


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