Caution About Carbon Monoxide Gas From Blocked Vent Pipes During Snow : 12.19.09



Nelson County, Virginia

Operations Manager, Tim Spicer with Tiger Fuel contacted us today and asked that we post this warning to users of propane devices about this potential hazard.

If you use a propane gas heating appliance such as a furnace, vented fire logs, or hot water heater, make sure the appliance vent on the outside wall of your house does not become blocked by heavy snow accumulation or a snow drift. The vent is typically round, goes from the appliance through the wall of your house 18″-30″ inches above ground. Blockage of the appliance vent can cause the buildup of dangerous carbon monoxide gas in your home. Check your vent during this storm and do not let snow block the escape of dangerous exhaust gases.

Any questions, contact Tiger on the web:


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