Blue Christmas Service @ Rock Spring UMC : 12.20.09 @ 6:30 PM


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A “Blue” Christmas Service at Rock Spring United Methodist Church, Faber, VA.

Blue? Yes, blue as in the blues. As in “I am feeling blue.” Not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Dealing with the death of a loved one, facing life after divorce or separation, coping with the loss of a job, living with cancer or some other dis-ease that puts a question mark over the future, and a number of other human situations make parties and joviality painful.

If you would like to have an opportunity to be real…to be “you” this Christmas, then maybe this service is for you?

Where: Rock Spring United Methodist Church

When: Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 6:30pm

What to expect:
singing songs and reading Scripture that relates to honest human emotions; prayer and meditation, and the lighting of candles in remembrance of loved ones.

Please, come as you are.

Event Date: Sunday 20th of December 2009 06:30 PM

Location/Address: 1655 Rock Spring Road, Faber, VA 22938

Contact Telephone Please call 434-260-0312 for more information


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