Bethlehem Alive 2009 : Beginning December 18th thru 22nd : Nightly In Afton, VA


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Nestled deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains just a stone’s throw from the intersection of the Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway a wonderful event is being carried out. Some call it “the greatest story ever told,” some call it “a Christmas miracle,” but for the several hundred workers who will come together for the 10th season December 18-22 nightly at Hebron Baptist Church in Afton, Virginia, it’s not so much what it is called, but how they are called to take part in this true Christmas story.

The Village of Bethlehem (, a full-fledged modern day reprisal of the first century village of Bethlehem complete with reenactment of Christ’s birth, singing angels, roman guards, an olive press, working looms, carpenter’s, weapon’s and scribe shops, and yes…even live camels and wise men comes to life.

Much more than just a “living nativity,” The Village of Bethlehem is a real village – a compilation and culmination of work carried out by various members of community churches in and near the Rockfish Valley and the Charlottesville/Albemarle County area.

Event Date: Friday 18th of December 2009 06:00 PM

Location/Address: 66 Tanbark Drive, Afton, VA 22920

Contact Telephone Please call 540-456-6863 for more information


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