Lovingston Kicks Off Indoor Farm Market This Weekend : 11.16.09

Lovingston kicks off its first Indoor Farm Market this coming weekend. Click on flyer to enlarge for more details.
Lovingston kicks off its first Indoor Farm Market this coming weekend. Click on flyer to enlarge for more details.

Nelson County, Virginia

Lovingston will join Nellysford/Afton in the addition of an indoor farm market this winter. In years past the outdoor farm markets shut down at the end of the growing season, but the trend recently has been to move the markets indoors.

Lovingston started its first outdoor farm market this past summer.

Nellsyford’s Nelson Farmers’ Market Coop has been in existence for several years and will again kick off their indoor Holiday Community Market at RVCC starting December 5, 2009 @ 9AM

The Lovingston Indoor Farm Market organizers are asking people to help spread the word. The market will be held on the third Saturday of each month from November to April from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nelson Center.

The November and December dates will be a great chance to do local holiday shopping. Lunch will be available from Relay for Life (chili) and Invisible Chef, and there will be live music. If you know of any vendors who would like to participate, including arts and crafters, please have them contact George Krieger at 263-8074 to register. There is no fee.

Event Date: Saturday 21st of November 2009 10:00 AM

Location/Address: The Nelson Center – Route 29 – Lovingston, VA

Contact Telephone Please call 434-263-8074 for more information


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