Nelson County, Virginia
Most folks know the bright and smiling face of Kay Pfaltz from Basic Necessities in Nellysford and from her monthly column in our print edition of Nelson County Life. She knows her wine! Folks may also know that Kay is an animal lover, especially of beagles! Kay wrote a book about her most beloved beagle, Lauren. Many people have seen copies on sale at Basic.
Her website at www.kaypfaltz.com describes Lauren’s Story best.
“Lauren, a little stray beagle named for Lauren Bacall, is found unconscious and nearly dead from starvation. She spends three weeks in intensive care at the vets then is given back to Amy, the girl who found her. Amy gives her to her sister, Kay who is living in Paris, and from there a love story begins. Lauren learns to love the French capital, and who wouldn’t? She dines out in some of Paris’ best restaurants beside Kay as Kay reviews the food. But moments of joy in life are ephemeral, for Lauren is plagued with illnesses from aspirated pneumonia to laryngeal paralysis. Kay and Lauren return to Virginia. Then in late September Lauren is diagnosed with transitional cell carcinoma, one of the most difficult cancers to treat, and the vets tell Kay Lauren will never make it to Christmas. Kay must decide whether to put her to sleep or to attempt treatment. Lauren undergoes radiation and chemotherapy. She makes it to Christmas and to the New Year. She makes it to see the spring return, and with the spring, comes the promise of hope.
Lauren’s Story is much more than just a rags to riches dog story. It’s a testimony to the power of laughter and love to get us through life, and ultimately the power of art as one of the most enduring forces in life. For Francophile’s or for anyone who has ever loved a dog, Lauren’s Story is a must.”
Today, October 27th and tomorrow, October 28th, Kay will be donating 100% of the sales of the book purchased through Amazon.com to various animal causes. “I donate 100 % of profits back to the animals and this time I’m focusng on Caring for Creatures, Hopeful Dog Rescue, Rikk’s Rescue and I.D.A.,” says Kay who regularly donates to the local Almost Home Pet Adoption Center near Lovingston. She currently is fostering two large hounds from there until permanent homes can be found.
Here’s how it works straight from Kay:
“What if you could buy one book and save a life?
That is exactly what I’m proposing in this campaign to promote Lauren’s Story: An American Dog in Paris and animal awareness. Many of you have helped me with this before and I thank you. This is the last campaign I’m running so I’m doing a really big push. I have just pledged to help spay/neuter seven beagles who came into the Coshocton Co. Animal Shelter. The shelter is full and they’re in danger of being euthanized. Please help!
For those who are new, I am running a campaign for my book, Lauren’s Story, the true story of a stray and starving beagle who, instead of being euthanized, ended up living in Paris. One hundred percent of profits from this book are given back to local and national animal welfare organizations. (See Mission Statement Link on my website www.kaypfaltz.com.) Many local shelters are in danger of going under. Some I’m focusing on are Caring for Creatues, Rikki’s Rescue, Hopeful Dog Rescue, beagle groups, local shelters. National groups include Farm Sanctuary and In Defense of Animals. Also two wonderful organizations who work to end puppy mills, www.milldogrescue.org and www.prisonersofgreed.org. But feel free to tell me to whom you want me to donate in your name.
How it works: When you click right now to buy Lauren’s Story : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1880158507
you will not only receive this heartfelt tribute to the animal human bond and be helping animals in need, but you will receive the following bonus gifts for your efforts in helping my efforts to help the animals.
Bonus gift # 1 Trim Your Waistline.
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 2 Ten Ordinary Things You Do That May Harm Your Dog. (fact sheet)
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 3 How Your Dog Can Make You A Better Person. (fact sheet)
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 4 Secret Restaurants of Paris by Kay Pfaltz
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 5 Lose weight, stay healthy. The truth about diet and hormones. By Dr.
Margaret Flather.
$ 2.95 value
Bonus gift # 6 Your Abundance Will Show Up for You.
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 7 You Have 10 Minutes!
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 8 The Choice To Feel.
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 9 Infinite Patience Produces Immediate Results
$2.95 value
Bonus gift #10 How Feeling Can Create Having.
$2.95 value
Bonus gift # 11 Dealing with the Challenge of Negative People.
$2.95 value.
All these are yours for free when you purchase one copy of Lauren’s Story.
While you can purchase Lauren’s Story at anytime, this offer will have double the impact if you order within the next 48 hours, as sponsors will match the cost of books you buy. So please help me to help the animals. Buy Lauren’s Story through Amazon using the link here. Therefore, best if you can order on October 27th or 28th. If you cannot, please still order when you can.
When you have received a confirmation from Amazon, simply forward that e-mail to: Laurensstory@ntelos.net Laurensstory@ntelos.net to receive your many free bonus gifts! Put the confirmation in the subject line. And if you want me to donate to a certain charity let me know who.
It’s easy, it’s simple and together we will make a difference. Click on this link now to order Lauren’s Story:
When you purchase, you will not only get a heart-warming true story, but you’ll also be helping animals around the world. Every purchase counts.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for your efforts to help.
Endorsements for Lauren’s Story:
Jeffrey Masson, author When Elephants Weep. A beautiful, sensitve book, filled with canine love. This book shows that when it comes to love, dogs may be our superior.
Elizabeth Kiem, The Hook. It’s easy to fall in love with Paris. It’s easy to fall in love with a dog. Less common though is the kind of devotion that drove Pfaltz from an idyllic lifestyle as a Left bank restaurant critic to a Motel 6 in the beltway hell of Springfield, Virginia [to care for Lauren after she becomes sick]. Pfaltz is dealing with the heavyweights: life, death, and humanity. Pfaltz’s love for Paris is almost as strong as her feelings for her dog, but it’s enriched with an irony unavailable for Lauren.
Rita Reynolds from Lajoie, Kay’s deep love for Lauren includes the necessary ingredients of joy and humor. There are moments throughout the book that you will hold your breath for too long until the crisis is resolved. And, equally, there are moments of such hilarity, that you will stop breathing simply because you are laughing so hard. Lauren’s Story literally has it all: heartbreak, despair, courage, joy and always love.
Chantal Westermann, ABC News, Wisdom TV. If you have a dog you love; if you ever wanted a dog; if you sometimes feel yourself thinking ‘maybe I should get a dog,’ read this book! It is tender, funny, unforgettable, and impossible to put down. In today’s sometimes dark world, Lauren’s Story is a much needed and brilliant ray of light.
Susan H. Linden, Bark Magazine. Kay’s account of the years spent with her beagle Lauren will enchant anyone whose life has been changed by a special dog. Kay sets out to write about ‘the meaning of unconditional love,’ and her story is at once a reflection on this topic and a personal memoir. Lauren’s Story is an essay on happiness, both human and canine. Lauren’s Story is a tribute to life, and an invitation to cherish every moment of it.
Share in the adventures of Kay Pfaltz and her abandoned beagle, Lauren as they explore The City of Light. Laugh as little Lauren, found stray and starving in Virginia, dines out in elegance. Cry when she becomes ill, then once again rejoice at the end of the book for the sheer beauty of life and love.
For anyone who has ever loved a dog, this poignant and touching true story is a must.“