First Half Of Weekend Looks Rainy : Second Half Much Better : 10.23.09

Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 : High altitude stratus clouds stream in - in advance of an approaching storm system Thursday evening.
Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 : High altitude stratus clouds stream in - in advance of an approaching storm system Thursday evening.

Nelson County, Virginia

After a stretch of fantastic weather for the past several days, changes are back in the forecast for the first part of the weekend. Rain and even a possible thunderstorm enter the forecast by late Friday into Friday night. The rain begins to taper off Saturday night with sunshine back in the forecast by Sunday. Temperatures over the period are a bit cooler than we’ve seen for the past several days, with daytime highs in the 60’s rather than the 70’s and even low 80’s we saw on Thursday afternoon.

For complete weather details, listen to Tommy’s Weather by clicking here. Scroll down, hit play, and sit back!

Have a great weekend!


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