Mildly Wild Wednesday at the Lovingston Farm Market : October 21, 2009



Looks like a lot of fun at the next Mildly Wild Wednesday at the Lovingston Farm Market October 21. Wine and Beer Tasting…Homemade Chili…Pumpkin Sale and Local Music as well as all of the great locally produced fruit, vegetables, meat, honey and crafts.

Here are the details:

Homemade chili courtesy of two relay for life teams: Kids at Heart and Millie’s Kids. Eat some at the market or take chili home with you. Donations appreciated for a good cause.

Award winning beer from Devils Backbone Brewing Company

Great wine from Democracy Vineyard

Pumpkins just in time for Halloween…please carve them at home.

Music by Bill Staton of Front Street and Mitch Russell (guitar and mandolin)

Come join us at the LFM…have fun…see friends.

Eat, Drink and Party Local at Mildly Wild Wednesdays.

Event Date: Wednesday 21st of October 2009 03:00 PM

Location/Address: 8445 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston VA 22949

Contact Telephone Please call 434-263-7015 for more information


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