Oakland Museum Torches The Note! : 10.9.09

Thanks To Oakland Museum For These Photos : ©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Bernard L. McGinnis - President - Nelson Co. Historical Society (left) & Andy Wright - Chair of the Nelson Co. Hist. Soc. set fire to their loan note of 275K recently paid off.
Thanks To Oakland Museum For These Photos : ©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Bernard L. McGinnis - President - Nelson Co. Historical Society (left) & Andy Wright - Chair of the Nelson Co. Hist. Soc. set fire to their loan note of 275K recently paid off.

Nelson County, Virginia

There was a fire earlier this week at The Oakland Museum in Arrington, Virgina. This was a good fire. The best kind!

Andy Wright - Chairman of the Nelson County Historical Society fans the flames in celebration of retiring the museum debt in just 5 years..
Andy Wright - Chairman of the Nelson County Historical Society fans the flames in celebration of retiring the museum debt in just 5 years..

In the fall of 2004 the Nelson County Historical Society purchased the Oakland property for the purpose of establishing a county museum focused on rural life in Nelson County. With a $275,000 purchase price for the 11 acres and the existing house, the Society began the campaign to pay for the Oakland property. The initial contribution of $50,000 from the Nelson County Board of Supervisors, and contributions from Society funds along with donations from many individuals during the last five years, has allowed the Society to retired the loan debt.

Bernard L. McGinnis - President - Nelson County Historical Society shares the good news with the crowd at the ceremonial loan note burning.
Bernard L. McGinnis - President - Nelson County Historical Society shares the good news with the crowd at the ceremonial loan note burning.
The museum opened to the public in 2008.
The museum opened to the public in 2008.

Under the direction of a competent Oakland Museum Board the development of the property has also progressed with renovations to the house and the addition of a safe highway entrance and parking area. Just two of the highlighted exhibits at the museum include the development of rural electrification in Nelson County and the impact of Hurricane Camille in the county.

Way to go Oakland!

Oakland – Nelson County Museum of History is open on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 1-4.


  1. thanks for the coverage at oakland note burning ceremony please come back again to see our other programs.


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