Daylight Slayings – Roller Derby – October 18th & November 1st 2009


Charlottesville Derby Dames.

Rough, Tough Roller Derby Action comes to Charlottesville with the Charlottesville Derby Dames’ Daylight Slayings Brawl November 1st.

CHARLOTTESVILLEThe Charlottesville Derby Dames hopes that Central Virginia is ready for fast girls on wheels, in real live bone-crushing, fishnet-ripping, mascara-smudging roller derby experience. For the first time ever, the Charlottesville Derby Dames are hosting a public bout in the Charlottesville area, so save the date, and brace yourself for the most epic sporting events you’ll see this year.

The Charlottesville Derby Dames will be making their brutal return in an away bout against Rocktown Rollers on October 18, 2009 in Harrisonburg, VA, and then will bring the action on home for the Daylight Slayings Brawl, November 1, at the Augusta Expo Land in Fishersville, VA.. Doors open at 4:00 pm and the action starts at 5:00. Pre-sale tickets for the Daylight Slayings bout are $5 and available at Black Cat Skate Shop and at Proceeds will go to the Shelter for Help in Emergency

The Charlottesville Derby Dames, operated by skaters as a not-for-profit organization, is Charlottesville’s only all-female flat track roller derby league. By day they are mothers, nurses, teachers, vets, bartenders, artists and more; by night they become rock stars on wheels, passionate about a sport that combines athleticism, showmanship, fierce competition, and a mischievous good time.

Tessa Hansen
CDD Public Relations rep.

Event Date: Sunday 1st of November 2009 05:00 PM

Location/Address: Augusta Expo Land

Contact Telephone Please call 757-620-3026 for more information


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