Benefit Party for Ian McConkey : This Weekend : Sept 19, 2009 : 7:30-11:30 PM @ RVCC

Click on image for larger view and more event details.
Click on image for larger view and more event details.

Nelson County, Virginia

Benefit for Ian McConkey to help defray medical costs.

Ian McConkey is the son of a neighbor and friend
(Michael McKonkey, the father, runs Edible Landscaping, a small local business here in Afton.)

Ian McKonkey has a serious brain tumor and no insurance.
Both the medical and financial situations are dire.

As one of many fundraising efforts,
Mike’s and Ian’s friends will be throwing a benefit party at the RVCC.
Click on the invitation image above to get more details.

We are hoping to do all the publicity by viral e-mail, etc.
Please circulate this invitation widely.

Come join the fun,

And to spread the word by forwarding this invitation along to your friends and neighbors as well.

Thanks and hope to see you at the benefit!

David Cole & Larry Stopper


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