Unofficial End To Summer Winds Up With Plenty Of Nelson Fun : 9.7.09

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : Folks relaxed to the music of Lewis McGehee and daughter Cayce at Afton Mountain Vineyards Sunday afternoon.
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : Folks relaxed to the music of Lewis McGehee and daughter Cayce at Afton Mountain Vineyards Sunday afternoon.

Nelson County, Virginia
Time to put the white pants and skirt up after today! Labor Day generally is recognized as the unofficial end to Summer as minds turn to football and school. That didn’t stop people from having a great time over the three day weekend that winds up today as many folks prepare for the trip back home.

All kinds of events took place in Nelson this weekend, with the vineyards, breweries, resort and more busy, busy!

A relaxing Sunday at Afton Mountain Vineyards during their Labor Day weekend event. Great wine, great food, and great entertainment!
A relaxing Sunday at Afton Mountain Vineyards during their Labor Day weekend event. Great wine, great food, and great entertainment!
Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 : Down the road in Roseland/Beech Grove folks wrapped up day two by stomping in the grapes at Wintergreen Winery!
Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 : Down the road in Roseland/Beech Grove folks wrapped up day two by stomping in the grapes at Wintergreen Winery!
Yes, Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, tried the grape stomping. Seems he was more intersted in eating the vines and the grapes!
Yes, Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford, tried the grape stomping. Seems he was more intersted in eating the vines and the grapes!
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : Up at Montebello it was the annual Community Market Day. Air Care5 from Weyer's Cave was on hand showing off their chopper as part of the day.
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 : Up at Montebello it was the annual Community Market Day. Air Care5 from Weyer's Cave was on hand showing off their chopper as part of the day.
Inside the firehouse at Montebello there was plenty of food, crafts and more!
Inside the firehouse at Montebello there was plenty of food, crafts and more!
Montebello Community Market Day is a way for folks to come out and have a day of fun!
Montebello Community Market Day is a way for folks to come out and have a day of fun!

Click here for more Labor Day weekend pictures!


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