Economic Development Authority : 9.3.09


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Present: Steve Crandall, Greg Kelly, Alphonso Taylor, Emily Pelton, Bennett

Absent: Erwin Berry and Natt Hall

TREASURER’S REPORT – Mr. Taylor agreed to provide, at the next meeting, a
summary report of all account balances, expected income and anticipated
expenses through the end of the calendar year. He also reported that the
county staff will begin providing member meeting compensation on a quarterly
basis but will not be able to do so via direct deposit into member accounts.

FARMERS’ MARKETS – After discussing ways to help with the two new markets
(Schuyler and Lovingston), members asked Mr. Saunders to invite
representatives from both markets to attend the October EDA meeting to
provide suggestions on what is needed to promote the markets.

POINTS OF INTEREST MAP – Members reviewed a draft of the county map. They
agreed to discuss how the map will be finalized with Ms. Kelley at the
October meeting.

LOCAL FOOD HUB FACILITY TOUR – Members agreed to schedule a visit to the
facility next year after the season begins.

With no public comment, the meeting was adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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