Boy’s and Girl’s Club Discussion Meeting @ RVCC : September 1, 2009 @ 6 PM



Meeting to discuss starting a Boy’s and Girl’s Club in Nelson County at the Rockfish Valley Community Center.

Members of the Rockfish Valley Community Center have been working with a representative of the Boys and Girls Club of America to establish a Boys and Girls Club in our community. As you may know, Boys and Girls Clubs of America offer low cost services to youth when they need it the most; after school and during the summer. Studies show that where Boys and Girls Clubs are located, juvenile crime is reduced, scholastic achievement among members improves, attendance in school improves, and most of all, overall attitude among young people is greatly enhanced.

Boys and Girls Clubs offer programs in five core areas: Education and Career Development; Character and Leadership Development; Health and Life Skills; the Arts; and Sports, Fitness and Recreation. This proactive and innovative approach to the needs of youth has made them one of the fastest growing youth serving organizations in the country. We believe our community has the compassion, professionalism and organizational ability to explore this wonderful opportunity for young people and their families.

On Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6pm we would like to invite you to attend a presentation at the Rockfish Valley Community Center to further explore this opportunity. We have invited a representative of Boys and Girls Clubs of America to join us to answer any questions. My phone number is 434. 361. 0100 should you have any questions. Please RSVP at this number and we look forward to seeing you there. Thank you

Event Date: Tuesday 1st of September 2009 06:00 PM

Location/Address: 190 Rockfish School Lane

Contact Telephone Please call 434-361-0100 for more information


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