Hottest Weather Of The Season Possible Today : 8.10.09

A milder than average summer will take a break Monday as temps will rise to near 100° in many parts of Central Virginia.
A milder than average summer will take a break Monday as temps will rise to near 100° in many parts of Central Virginia.

Nelson County, Virginia
The hot weather continues today with the hottest weather so far possible this afternoon as temperatures may briefly touch the 100° mark in the valley. On Sunday valley temps reached 98° just before 3PM at our NCL-Nelson County Life Weathernet station in the Rockfish Valley.

A graph showing the valley temps on Sunday 8.9.09 during the hottest part of the day. Click to enlarge.
A graph showing the valley temps on Sunday 8.9.09 during the hottest part of the day. Click to enlarge.

On the mountain at our NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation Weathernet Station on Devil’s Knob, they even hit the lower 80’s topping out at a high temp of 83° at 2:20PM Sunday afternoon.

Sunday's temperature graph from our NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation Weathernet Station.
Sunday's temperature graph from our NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation Weathernet Station.

Monday will actually feel more like a typical Summer day with hot, hazy, and humid conditions. An isolated thunderstorm late in the day can’t be totally ruled out, but most locations will be hot and dry.

A disturbance moving into the area by Tuesday will bring the chance for scattered thunderstorms and showers by afternoon with temps in the lower 90’s cooling into the low and mid 80’s for the remainder of the week with continued chances for thunderstorms thorough Friday.

The complete weather wrap over in Tommy’s Audio Weather by clicking the player on our homepage just under the banner or by clicking here.


  1. Dear Tommy,
    I have what I think are some funny pictures of tent camping in a Lincoln Town Car with a dog but I can’t figure out how to send it to you.


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