Improving Weather By Weekend, But Hotter! : 8.6.09

Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 : The sun sets over the Blue Ridge Mountains in Nelson County, Virginia
Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 : The sun sets over the Blue Ridge Mountains in Nelson County, Virginia

Nelson County, Virginia
After a stormy night in some parts of Central Virginia (mainly south and west of Nelson) skies will eventually become party sunny today as a frontal boundary moves to our south. Over the next day or so it will move back north across our area as a warm front putting us back into warmer-more humid air. Scattered storms will still be around today, but take a little break Friday. Scattered storms return briefly on Saturday only to retreat by Sunday with temperatures rising into the lower 90’s well into the extended forecast period.

For a complete wrap of weather, listen to Tommy’s Audio Weather by clicking on the player just below the banner on our homepage or by going here!


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