Gathering of Primitive Friends Antiques, Primitives and Folk Art Show : 9-19-09


1st annual
“Gathering of Primitive Friends Antique, Primitives and Folk Art Show” at
Notforgotten Farm
3530 Tye River Road (3.5 mi. from rt 29)
Amherst (Nelson co. ) VA 24521
on Saturday, September 19th, 2009
10:00 ~ 5:00
rain or shine!!!
admission/donation $2.00 per person.
Refreshments will be available for purchase.
(Cider, Doughnuts, etc…)

Vendors of American Antiques, Folk Art. Primitive Reproductions from VA, KY, NC, PA, MD will be selling their wares on the grounds of Notforgotten Farm.

This is an outdoor event, with the shop being open as well and will be decorated for Harvest/Halloween.

Event Date: Sunday 9th of December 2018 10:00 AM

Location/Address: 3530 Tye River Road Amherst, VA 24521

Contact Telephone Please call 434-263-6508 for more information


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