Annual 4th of July Parade In Lovingston This Saturday @ 11 AM! : 7.1.09

©2007-2009 NCL Magazine : A youngster and his mom enjoy the annual 4th of July Parade from a previous year.
©2007-2009 NCL Magazine : A youngster and his mom enjoy the annual 4th of July Parade from a previous year.

Nelson County, Virginia

As the Independence Day weekend rolls around, preparations are underway for the annual 4th of July Parade in Lovingston, this Saturday at 11:00 AM. This year’s theme is The Declaration of Independence. The 2009 Parade Grand Marshall is Ray Uttaro, Emergency Services Coordinator for Nelson County.

Many different entires will be included in this year's parade that kicks of at 11AM on Saturday.
Many different entires will be included in this year's parade that kicks of at 11AM on Saturday.

The parade committee has a website setup for this year’s event. You can get more detailed information by going over to:

Looks like right now the weather should cooperate, with only a chance for afternoon thunderstorms late in the day!

See you there!


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