Earl Hamner Reflects On Schuyler As Summer Vacation Season Begins : 6.5.09

©2009 earlhamner.com : A screen grab from Earl Hamner's most recent post about his days in Nelson County, Virginia
©2009 earlhamner.com : A screen grab from Earl Hamner's most recent post about his days in Nelson County, Virginia

Studio City, California
Nelson County, Virginia

“We Virginians are not known for modesty in describing the virtues of our commonwealth. We are tempted to use such descriptive phrases as most beautiful, most legendary, most historic, most hospitable, mother of the most presidents but most of the time good manners finally overtake us and we simply say, “Why don’t y’all come to see us?”

That’s how Earl Hamner starts his most recent entry to his blog over at www.earlhamner.com. Click on Blog at the top once there. Recently Earl has started blogging, and his latest entry is a a great one! He talks all about his days here in Nelson County and some of his favorite places here in the county.

It’s a special walk down memory land and well worth the read, just in time for the weekend!


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