Board Of Supervisors 5.28.09


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy
Bruguiere and Mr. Tommy Harvey

BUDGET FY09/10 – Ms. McCann reviewed the budget funds noting a decrease in
the General Fund budget from $31,699,222 to $30,596,237 (-3.48% from
FY08-09). Local revenues decreased by $512,247 (-2.09%); state revenues
decreased by $258,056 (-6.55%); and federal revenues increased by $1,352,646
due to a $1.3 million public safety interoperability communication grant
awarded to the county. Ms. McCann noted that the budget includes debt
service for the courthouse project, final site development for the Faber
solid waste convenience center (to be completed in FY10) and a contingency
reserve of approximately $400,000. The operations budget includes no salary
adjustments for county employees and level funding for departments and
outside agencies.

Local funding for schools includes level funding for the School Nursing
program, an increase of $165,000 for school operations and the purchase of
four instead of five new buses at $292,608. The total local contribution to
schools for operations is $11,920,080 with a total school fund operating
budget of $23,604,790 which is a decrease of $342,821 (-1.4%) from FY08-09.
Ms. McCann reported that state school fund revenues are down by $875,296.
Federal school fund revenues are up by $440,297 due primarily to federal
stimulus funds. Local funding for schools constitutes 62% of the general
property tax revenues in Nelson.

During Public Comment, MR. PETE PURDUE with Rockfish Valley Community Center
said that the hot meals program is vital to the seniors’ lives, providing
nutritious meals as well as an opportunity to socialize. He thanked the
Supervisors for their continued support and consideration for the seniors.
MR. GORDON KOERNER, Shipman, said that there is abuse in the Land Use
program and asked the Supervisors to push the Commissioner of Revenue to
stop the abuse.
MS. CONSTANCE HENDERSON thanked the Board for everything they have done for
the seniors.
MS. NORMA WATSON, Gladstone, asked that the Supervisors make every effort
for the seniors.
MR. ROBERT CONS, Lovingston, protested the 27% increase over last year in
his property tax on a vehicle one year older than last year. He said the
Supervisors should cut spending and cut taxes.

Mr. Harvey said that this was one of the toughest budgets to do. He noted
that the county has implemented a hiring freeze on vacancies and said that
county has worked hard to make this budget work. Mr. Bruguiere said that
there are lots of places the county could use more staff but is not hiring.
He said that there are no raises included in the budget and the county is
tightening its belt. Mr. Bruguiere said that he is hoping to see increased
public spending but that it will take a while to get back to a good economy
again. Ms. Brennan said that the county’s mandate is to provide for the
health, safety and welfare of the citizens and the Board tries hard to do
that. She said that she is proud that Nelson is one of the most fiscally
well-run counties in the state. Mr. Johnson noted that the county did not
have to cut services but managed to maintain a level budget. He said that
staff did a great job of providing the information needed to make that
happen. Mr. Hale said that the budget is not perfect but that the Board did
the best job possible. He noted that one of the biggest challenges this
year was to make up a significant deficit in the school funding.

Supervisors tabled a decision on the budget until their June 9th meeting.

resolution to establish the Authority with the five Supervisors named as the
Authority Board for a one-year term beginning upon issuance of a Certificate
of Incorporation or Charter by the State Corporation Commission. Mr. Carter
noted that thereafter, the Board of Supervisors will appoint five members
(one from each election district) to serve four year terms.

During Public Comment, Mr. Clay Stewart (Arrington), Mr. Gordon Koerner
(Shipman), Mr. Joe McClellan (NC Cable), Mr. Allen Patrick, Mr. Mike Tuso
(Afton) and Ms. Peggy Whitehead (Blue Ridge Medical Center) all expressed
support for the establishment of the Authority.

Mr. Harvey noted that the appointment of the Supervisors as the Authority
Board is the fastest way to get this going but that others with more
expertise would be appointed as soon as possible. Mr. Bruguiere said that
broadband is important for businesses and that he is hoping that funds will
be coming from the state and federal government to make this work in Nelson.
Ms. Brennan said that having the Authority in place and being ready to go
is critical to receiving funds so she is happy to establish the Authority.
She also noted that having broadband would be a huge benefit to health care
in the county. Mr. Johnson said that this infrastructure is needed in order
for the county to grow socially, financially and medically. Mr. Hale said
that he had dragged his feet hoping that broadband would come through
private enterprises. He said that he believes, however, that the county
needs to be well positioned if funds come our way. Supervisors voted 5-0 to
adopt the resolution to establish the Authority.

NELSON WAYSIDE – Ms. Brennan said that during her recent work to cleanup the
Nelson Wayside on Rt. 29, it became very clear that a portajohn is seriously
needed at the site. She also said that she is hoping to encourage other
volunteers to help with the cleanup and maintenance efforts at the Wayside.
Supervisors voted 5-0 to direct staff to arrange for a
handicapped-accessible portajohn with a hand washing station at the Wayside.
Mr. Hale said that staff should find a way to cut the budget to make the
portajohn possible.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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