More Mac’s! : 5.27.09

Photo Courtesy Lynn Giles McClain : ©1960-2009 NCL Magazine : Mac Giles stands outside his store (Mac's Market) in 1960. The store was recently purchased by Betty Brown and slightly renamed Mac's Country Store
Photo Courtesy Lynn Giles McClain : ©1960-2009 NCL Magazine : Mac Giles stands outside his store (Mac's Market) in 1960. The store was recently purchased by Betty Brown and slightly renamed Mac's Country Store

Nelson County, Virginia

In our May 2009 issue of Nelson County Life Magazine, page 29, our writer Jennie Tal, takes a walk along the path of history at Mac’s Country Store in Roseland, Virgina. The store was recently purchased by Betty Brown.

A few days ago we had a visit from the daughter of the original owner of the store, Mac Giles. Lynn Giles McClain loved the article but wanted to be sure, historically, we had it exactly right. So do we Lynn! She was telling us that as written in our article, Eddie Seaman didn’t actually name the store Mac’s Market, but rather Mac himself did. “My grandparents originally owned the store and used the name Giles’ General Merchandise. After their deaths, my father changed the name to Mac’s Market, probably in the late ’50’s,” says Lynn. The photo above shows Mac standing by one of the Esso gas pumps in 1960. With the changes along the way, it’s easy to see how it can be confused.

The original store had a TV & Radio Service store as well.
The original store had a TV & Radio Service store as well.
A car pulls up for gas at then, Giles' General Merchandise in the 1950's.
A car pulls up for gas at then, Giles' General Merchandise in the 1950's.

Thanks again to Lynn for updating the information and for sharing these great shots of the way Mac’s was back then!


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