Disney On Ice presents Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo : JPJ October 29, 2009


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Join the ocean-sized adventure of the curious clownfish Nemo, his overprotective father Marlin and their absent-minded yet lovable pal Dory as Disney On Ice immerses you in a vibrant aquatic world in Disney On Ice presents Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo. Follow alongside Marlin and Dory on a daring search of the big blue. Ride the current with “super-dude” turtle Crush and make waves with Nemo’s new friends – the Tank Gang – as they plot an escape from the dentist’s aquarium in this whale of a tale full of laughter and fun!

Event Date: Thursday 29th of October 2009 07:00 PM

Location/Address: John Paul Jones Arena

Contact Telephone Please call 434-243-4960 for more information


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