Kim & Jimbo Cary at Devils Backbone Brewing Company: Sunday, April. 26, 2009, 6pm


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Gather your family and friends to enjoy
Jason Oliver’s two just released brews- Mai Bock & Four Point IPA. Special Springtime beverages with fresh fruits will be available for sipping on the terrace while catching the panoramic views of Three Ridges and The Priest mtns! Kim & Jimbo Cary( y’all know them) will be strumming and picking their fiddle and banjo At DBBC the evening Sunday, April 26th at 6pm

Event Date: Sunday 26th of April 2009 06:00 PM

Location/Address: at the intersection of Rt 151 and Rt 664, 200 Mosby’s Run, Roseland, VA 22967

Contact Telephone Please call for more information


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