NCHS EuroNelson Trip Continues : London To Paris Today : 4.13.09

Photos By Mallory Crandall : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Nelson County students on the trip across Europe pose for a quick shot near the Tower of London this past weekend. Click on any photo for larger view.
Photos By Mallory Crandall : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Nelson County students on the trip across Europe pose for a quick shot near the Tower of London this past weekend. Click on any photo for larger view.

United Kingdom

As we first told you last week, present and past students from Nelson County High School’s Foreign Language Department are on their EuroNelson Trip this week. Mallory Crandall of Roseland is on the trip and is sending us back photos as time and internet access allows.

A view out the window of the plane just before landing in London this past weekend.
A view out the window of the plane just before landing in London this past weekend.
Mallory (right) and friend Martinia Cook pose just outside The Tower of London this past weekend.
Mallory (right) and friend Martinia Cook pose just outside The Tower of London this past weekend.
The group's guide (in the center) talks to them while on tour in London.
The group's guide (in the center) talks to them while on tour in London.
Part of the Nelson County students at The Tower of London Bridge.
Part of the Nelson County students at The Tower of London Bridge.

Mallory tells us late Sunday evening the group will be on their way to Paris via The Chunnel on Monday.

We’ll keep you posted!


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