RVCC Playground Gets Nice Boost From Nelson Rotary : 3.28.09

©2009 NCL Magazine : Photo courtesy of Nelson Rotary Club : Margaret Clair accepts Rotary International Check from George Bonheyo
©2009 NCL Magazine : Photo courtesy of Nelson Rotary Club : Margaret Clair accepts Rotary International Check from George Bonheyo

Nelson County, VIrginia

Story via Nelson County Rotary Club
Recently at a regular meeting of the Nelson County Rotary Club the matching funds from a grant provided by Rotary International Foundation District 7570 was presented to Margaret Clair, Board Member of Rockfish Valley Community Center by President George Bonheyo. The local monies were part derived from the Nelson Folk Life Festival at Pharsalia. These funds will help to establish a community playground at the Rockfish Valley Community Center in Nelllysford, Va.

The Rotary Foundation’s programs are funded through voluntary contributions from Rotarians and others who believe in its mission. Their donations demonstrate their commitment to enhancing lives, creating greater understanding among nations, and advancing the quest for peace in the world.
Foundation program awards are distributed worldwide through the SHARE system. Contributions to The Rotary Foundation are transformed into Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchanges, Matching Grants, and more.

At the end of every Rotary year, 50 percent of each district’s donations to the Annual Programs Fund are credited to their District Designated Fund (DDF); the other 50 percent is credited to the World Fund.

The Foundation uses the World Fund to pay for the worldwide programs available to all Rotary districts, regardless of their specific contributions. Districts use their DDF to fund the Foundation programs they participate in.

Because districts share in the decision-making process about program funding with the Trustees, every Rotarian has a voice in planning for the future. Every year, members of each district’s Rotary Foundation committee, in consultation with Rotarians in their district, decide how the SHARE DDF will be used. SHARE offers a wide variety of program options for districts to choose from.


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