The Howard Family – Gospel Concert to benefit BRIM : April 4, 2009


Gospel music by the Howard Family —
Come hear this inspiring family group of talented singers from Nelson County and Waynesboro. Concert to benefit the Blue Ridge Interfaith Ministry; no admission fee, but free will offerings gratefully accepted. All donations will be used to help those in need in the Nelson-Augusta-Waynesboro area.

Event Date: Saturday 4th of April 2009 04:00 PM

Location/Address: Rockfish Presbyterian Church, 5016 Rockfish Valley Highway, Nellysford, VA 22958

Contact Telephone Please call 540-456-6894 for more information


  1. I was wondering if this is the same Howard Family that was shown in a documentory on KY music. The girl sang a song “He’s still the same today” I would love to have a copy of her singing this. It only showed part of her song and it was absolutely beautiful.


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