Wintergreen : Rail Jam Marks Unofficial End To Snow Sports Season 3.16.09

Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : A snowboarder takes to the slopes this past weekend as part of Rail Jam at Wintergreen Resort. Click on any image for larger view.
Photos By Paul Purpura : ©2009 NCL Magazine : A snowboarder takes to the slopes this past weekend as part of Rail Jam at Wintergreen Resort. Click on any image for larger view.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

The clock is ticking on the end of Winter as Spring begins next weekend on March 21st. Yes, there will still be skiing for the next few days, perhaps on into late March, but with average daily temperatures beginning to rise, it won’t be much longer before the snow will be gone and minds turn to warmer weather. Our Mountain Photographer, Paul Purpura, grabbed these shots over the weekend at Freestyle’s Rail Jam. Check their site here for the final results. It unofficially marks the end of snow sports season, though as we just mentioned, skiing, boarding, and tubing will go on as long as weather permits into the final days of March. Check Wintergreen Resort’s site here for the absolute latest updates.

Thanks for the great shots Paul!






  1. There is a “Pond Skimming” contest scheduled next Saturday March 21st which is always an blast and will mark the official end of the snow sports season.

    Like Tommy said above, check the Wintergreen website for official news and information.

    Best regards,
    Paul Purpura
    Photography By Paul Purpura LLC

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