Current Weather Conditions Glitch on NCL Home Page : Monday Morning 3.9.09 : RESOLVED

The current conditions on the homepage are not showing up as of Monday morning. We are looking into this.
The current conditions on the homepage are not showing up as of Monday morning. We are looking into this.

Nelson County, Virginia
We have noticed that our current conditions are not showing up this morning here at NCL. This is something going on over at where all of the data is compiled and then displayed back to the internet. Even on their own PWS data pages like the one here for our site and the one up at Nature Foundation, you can see our weather station and data are reporting, but not displaying in their flash displays.

We’re on it and hope to have it corrected soon.

And, yep, the audio weather will be back up a bit later Monday morning. Some mods being made on the audio portion.



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