Thursday, February 26, 2009
Present: Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy Harvey,
Mr. Joe Dan Johnson
Absent: Ms. Connie Brennan
Mr. Hale reported that Ms. Brennan is dealing with a family emergency in
Florida, is in touch with Staff and fellow Supervisors and hopes to be back
for the March 10th meeting.
CLOSED SESSION – Supervisors went into Closed Session to consult with legal
counsel on the acquisition of real property for public purposes.
FY09-10 BUDGET – Staff presented a draft budget noting proposed level
funding for all departments, agencies and the school system. The draft
includes a 5.5% health insurance increase ($24,881); 3 new police cars
($76,241); and 5 new school buses ($365,760). The draft budget includes
$34,692 General Fund support of Piney River water/sewer debt service as well
as $645,302 in Courthouse Project debt service. The first budget draft is a
$30,764,448 budget. Supervisors tabled further comment or discussion for
review of the draft and will continue their discussion at their March10th
Meeting adjourned.