PTA Talent Show At RRES

©2009 NCL Magazine Web Edition : Students perform in the PTA talent show Tuesday night at Rockfish River Elementary in Afton, Virginia.
©2009 NCL Magazine Web Edition : Students perform in the PTA talent show Tuesday night at Rockfish River Elementary in Afton, Virginia.

Nelson County, Virginia

Most of the PTA meetings at Rockfish River Elementary in Afton are pretty standard, but not the one Tuesday night. After the business part of the meeting was done, students showed off their talents. “The 3rd Tuesday of each month we have a PTA meeting and usually the school puts in some kind of program with that and Tuesday night we had a talent show,” says Jill Averitt, Co-Chair of the membership committee.

Students laugh it up at Tuesday night's talent show.
Students laugh it up at Tuesday night's talent show.

Part of Tuesday night’s meeting was for PTA member to talk about their upcoming April Yard Sale to help raise money for student field trips later this year. We don’t have enough money yet to cover the 2nd and 4th grade field trips that we said we would support so we need to raise some money before the end of the year. Typically we would have enough but we based our fund raising off of last year and the economy has been so poor that we’ve been scrambling,” Jill continues.

All different kinds of acts were put on display Tuesday night.
All different kinds of acts were put on display Tuesday night.

The cost for booking a spot for the huge yard sale in April is only $20.00. Be looking for lots more details here on our web edition and in the March printed edition of NCL.


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