Mild Weather Continues : Winter Returns Late Week

Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Canadian geese off into an evening sky near Nellysford, Virginia : February 2009
Photo By Ann Strober : ©2009 NCL Magazine : Canadian geese off into an evening sky near Nellysford, Virginia : February 2009

Nelson County, Virginia
Today’s weather photo is a nice one that Ann Strober grabbed for us this past weekend. The beautiful evening sky as Canadian Geese fly off on the horizon. Thanks for the beauty Ann! Actually got to eat a quick breakfast this past weekend with Ann at the RVCC Pancake breakfast!

After this past weekend it makes you forget that we are still very much in the throws of winter with the official calendar start of Spring still more than a month away on March 20th.

Saturday and Sunday were a nice break from the very cold temps we have been experiencing this winter. In the valley Sunday, we topped out at a very nice 73° here at our NCL office. While the mountains reached temps in the upper 40’s to lower 50’s. It was a great weekend to say the least.

Overnight Sunday a cold front slipped through the area dropping our temperatures slightly from the weekend, but mild high pressure takes over again Monday with temperatures still pleasant topping out near 60° in the valley and low 50’s mountains.

We start the week pretty quiet. By Tuesday showers enter the forecast and stay with us until Wednesday night.

By the end of the week temperatures start down again with chances for winter precipitation by Friday night into Saturday.

Be sure to check out Tommy’s audio weather to your right by hitting the play button just under the temperature display! Very cool!


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