Wounded Warriors 5th Anniversary At Wintergreen

Photos By Paul Purpura :©2009 NCL Magazine : One of the Wounded Warriors takes a trip down one of the slopes Saturday at Wintergreen Resort.
Photos By Paul Purpura :©2009 NCL Magazine : One of the Wounded Warriors takes a trip down one of the slopes Saturday at Wintergreen Resort.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

The 5th Annual Wounded Warriors Anniversary is underway at Wintergreen Resort. Our Paul Purpura grabbed a few early shots and will be sending more our way later in the weekend.

A group shot of the 2009 attendees.
A group shot of the 2009 attendees.

The soldiers and their families come to Wintergreen from Camp Lejeune, Veterans Administration Medical Centers in Hampton, and Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Bethesda. “As an important part of their rehabilitation, they will spend the weekend learning from Wintergreen Adaptive Skiing instructors how to ski and snowboard. The weekend isn’t just about skiing and boarding, it’s about helping the soldiers to understand that their new and different bodies offer them new and different possibilities. They will learn to recognize these possibilities and how to seize them,” says Rick Roderick with WAS.

One of the wounded warriors gets booted up for the slopes.
One of the wounded warriors gets booted up for the slopes.

Wounded Warriors Weekend is an annual event held on the last weekend of January. The event is a partnership between Wintergreen Adaptive Skiing, which is the sponsor and lead organizer, Wintergreen Resort, Disabled Sports USA, and the Wounded Warrior Project. The event invites severely injured members from any branch of the military to enjoy a complimentary weekend of skiing and snowboarding lessons as a part of their rehabilitation and recovery.

The mission of Wintergreen Adaptive Skiing is to establish, operate, and maintain educational programs that encourage children, teenagers, and adults with disabilities to learn to ski. The program provides standard and adaptive equipment, as well as trained volunteer instructors, both adult and teenaged.


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