Updated 11.28.08
Latest Updates on Nelson County, Virginia death confirmations here.
Faber – Nelson County, Virginia
NCL has learned that Master Charles Cannon of Faber-based Synchronicity Foundation has reportedly been accounted for following today’s attacks targeting Westerners in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Several Foundation members from Nelson County traveled to Mumbai earlier this month for a series of meditation workshops. Excerpted from Synchronicty.org:
Master Charles Cannon Visits India
Master Charles will be spending the second half of November, 2008 in Mumbai, India. Joining him will be several Synchronicity staff members along with an international group of Synchronicity Associates, many of whom are touring India for the first time.
It is not known at which hotel Foundation members are staying. Reports say targets included Bombay’s top hotel, Taj Mahal Palace as well as the luxury Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point. An event schedule posted on the Synchronicty web site lists the Y.B. Chavan Centre at Nariman Point as a location for this week’s Darshans with Master Charles Cannon.
More coverage here.
During this time of thanksgiving, let’s all give thanks tomorrow during our festive day that Master Charles and his members are safe while traveling. We all warmly welcome him back!
One more thing to be thankful for. Love you bro.
6 of the members have been brought in hospital with gunshot wounds . Mr Alan Scherr and daughter are serious.
Editor’s note: NCL has yet to verify this account. If anyone has any information on this, please email us at info-at-nelsoncountylife-dot-com
[…] – Nelson County, Virginia) As we first reported yesterday, members of Faber-based Synchronicity Foundation traveled to the city of Mumbai, India earlier this […]
[…] coverage here and […]
Sharmila, my name is aaron butler, alan is my step father, naomi is my sister, how did you get this information? do you know which hospital they are staying at? please email me aaron_butler@mac.com as soon as possible. thank you.
if anyone has the information about where alan and naomi scherr are, please call 813 765 0198 as soon as possible
How sad to lose so many people. Sadder still was the live press conference given by one of the spokespeople at the Synchronicity Foundation who when asked what she thought of the suicide bombers, she responded “they’re in denial just like 95% of the rest of the world.” As a life long meditator, I pray she’s including the Synchronicity Foundation and its founder Charles Cannon in this assessment. Enlightenment isn’t in India. Jihad isn’t in violence. And, balance isn’t in a pair of headphones. (We are all subject to unbalances, regardless of whether or not we use the obstacle of headphones and technology as a disparate tactic to achieve realization of mind.)
I’ll dedicate my practice today for those who died and were wounded in the attacks in Mumbai. As well that folks will end their devotion to charlatans, and instead include a healthy dose of skepticism in vetting their spiritual instructors.