Snow Making Starts Up At Wintergreen Resort!

Photo By Paul Purpura ©2008 NCL : Snow making began Wednesday at Wintergreen Resort.
Photo By Paul Purpura ©2008 NCL : Snow making began Wednesday at Wintergreen Resort.

Wintergreen Resort – Nelson County, Virginia

“The snow making crew has cranked up the snow guns and white, fluffy snow has been falling. A beautiful white carpet has started to blanket the mountains,” says Dana Quillen, VP of Marketing and PR at the resort.

Dana says snow making will continue as colder than normal temperatures are predicted through the end of November and into December.

Snow Making began in the tubing park Wednesday, but may start on the slopes as early as Thursday afternoon.
Snow Making began in the tubing park Wednesday, but may start on the slopes as early as Thursday afternoon.

The Plunge tubing park will open for the Thanksgiving weekend beginning on Friday, November 28, 2008.

As we have been telling you in our custom daily weather, temperatures at our NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation site have been well below freezing for the past two days. Overnight readings have been as low as 12° recently. And, daytime highs have held in the 20’s.

For the most up-to-date information on snow making plans, visit

“The projected opening date for ski runs across the mountain is December 12, but could be earlier,” Dana continues.


  1. Does anyone know why they are only making snow on The Plunge? With temps this cold it seems they would be gearing up to open the core slopes as early as possible–especially since the resort is in *dire* need of skiing revenue. Massanutten and Bryce are both making snow on the slopes and plan to open soon. I would prefer for people to spend their skiing dollars in Nelson County!

  2. So who won the “guess the first day of snowmaking” contest? Not me, I guessed early December. I’m thinking they are putting snow on the plunge first as it’s a small space and they can make tubing money over Thanksgiving weekend. It’s probably much cheaper to run the tubing area and not a big loss if we get another warm streak between now and the middle of December.

  3. Well and the caption on the picture says snowmaking could start on the slopes today. From our house, we can see the “glow” of the lights and blowing snow when they make it. Pretty cool.


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