If you are a leaf lover, you better get your looking done within the next few days. In Nelson County, and Central Virginia, peak season is pretty much here. From now on the leaves are falling fast. According to The Virginia Department of Forestry, the peak season for Central Virginia Fall colors is from October 27th to November 10th.
Wednesday, while we were up at Montebello, Virginia at the Montebello Country Store (love those guys by the way – great place!!!) We noticed the brilliant colors along the Blue Ridge Parkway and Route 56 that winds it’s way from Massies Mill, Virginia to Montebello. Many leaves are already falling to the ground, so if you plan to do any looking, we’d say this this coming weekend is about it! From there on it there will be some fall colors, but on the downward spiral!
Get out and enjoy before they are all gone!
Pretty much the same here in West Tennessee, bro. Dont’cha just love fall in the woods? Give Adam a big hug from Ant Poopie.