Virginia & Nelson County Election Results : Nelson Goes Obama

Election returns will begin flowing in after the polls close Tuesday night
Election returns will begin flowing in after the polls close Tuesday night

All final vote totals can be seen here at the state election website.

FINAL NCL UPDATE : 10:47 PM EST : 2,202 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : with Obama ahead 50.04% – McCain 48.90% or a difference of 1.14%

Updated: 10:49 PM EST : Fox News Channel Calls Virginia For Obama

UPDATE : 10:32 PM EST : 2,156 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : with Obama ahead 50.00% – McCain 48.94% or a difference of 1.06%

UPDATE : 10:25 PM EST : 2,125 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama continue in virtual tie, with Obama slightly ahead 49.80% – McCain 49.14% or a difference of 0.66%

UPDATE : 10:18 PM EST : 2,083 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama continue in virtual tie, with Obama slightly ahead 49.72% – McCain 49.22% or a difference of 0.19%

UPDATE : 10:04 PM EST : 1,997 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama continue in virtual tie, with Obama now pulling slightly ahead 49.56% – McCain 49.37% or a difference of 0.19%

UPDATE : 9:43 PM EST : 1,870 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama continue in virtual tie, with McCain 49.57% – Obama 49.36% or a difference of 0.21%

UPDATE : 9:36 PM EST : 1,772 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama continue in virtual tie, with McCain 49.52% – Obama 49.41% or a difference of 0.11%

UPDATE : 9:29 PM EST : 1,730 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama are now in virtual tie, with McCain 49.62% – Obama 49.31% or a difference of 0.31%

UPDATE : 9:22 PM EST : 1,673 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama are now in virtual tie, with McCain 49.58% – Obama 49.35% or a difference of 0.23%

UPDATE : 9:15 PM EST : 1,621 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, and Obama are now in virtual tie, with McCain 49.77% – Obama 49.16% or a difference of 0.61%

UPDATE : 9:08 PM EST : 1,538 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, continues losing ground, but only slightly ahead with 50.09% – Obama 48.84% or a difference of 1.25%

UPDATE : 8:54 PM EST : 1,415 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, continues losing ground, but only slightly ahead with 50.76% – Obama 48.17% or a difference of 2.59%

UPDATE : 8:47 PM EST : 1,339 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, continues losing ground, but slightly ahead with 50.81% – Obama 48.12% or a difference of 2.06%

UPDATE : 8:46 PM EST : The state’s election site now shows the results for Nelson as: Obama: 53.95% and McCain 44.87% with all precincts in.

!! UPDATE: 8:39 PM EST ACCORDING TO AP : Nelson County , Virginia goes Obama : Via – Obama 54.1% – McCain 45% – the state’s site does not have these results as of this post.

UPDATE : 8:33 PM EST : 1,151 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, losing ground, but is still ahead with 52.13% – Obama 46.80% or a difference of 5.33%

UPDATE : 8:26 PM EST : 1,059 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain, losing ground, but is still ahead with 52.54% – Obama 46.35% or a difference of 7.65%

UPDATE : 8:19 PM EST : 953 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 53.24% – Obama 45.65% or a difference of 7.59%

UPDATE : 8:14 PM EST : 842 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 53.02% – Obama 44.25% or a difference of 8.77%

UPDATE : 8:08 PM EST : 743 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 53.58% – Obama 43.48%

UPDATE : 8:01 PM EST : 646 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 52.62% – Obama 43.29%

UPDATE : 7:56 PM EST : 409 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 55.08% – Obama 43.77%

UPDATE : 7:46 PM EST : 300 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 56.01% – Obama 42.86%

UPDATE : 7:39 PM EST : 201 VA Precincts of 2496 reporting : McCain is ahead with 55.56% – Obama 43.33%

Update: 7:35 PM EST : With 5% of the VA precincts in, the gap is narrowing, McCain is now leading by 12.18 %

update: 7:28 PM EST : Virginia results are coming in 2% of precincts reporting. McCain ahead in early results by 18%

UPDATE: 6:50 PM EST : Server is now back up and down, this may be the result of their servers not being able to handle the high volume of traffic.

UPDATE 6:45 PM EST : Va Board of Elections Site down and out of commission:

We hope this is not a sign of things to come. As of 6:45 PM we are getting 404 errors from the VA Board of Elections site….not good, not good at all.
Here’s a screen shot:
Virginia Board of Eletions Site is returning "server not found errors" just 15 minutes before polls close in Virginia.

This link will take you straight to election returns from Nelson County, Virginia only.

Voters wait to cast their ballots in the Rockfish Valley Precinct in Nelson County, Virginia
Voters wait to cast their ballots in the Rockfish Valley Precinct in Nelson County, Virginia

You will be able to see Virginia election returns tonight by following this link. Polls in Nelson County, Virginia close at 7 PM EST.


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