I-81 Fiery Accident at Exit 227 Verona Exit – ALL LANES NOW OPEN


A screenshot from the scene via Trafficland.com at exit 227 on I-81 NB just before 7PM EST
A screenshot from the scene via Trafficland.com at exit 227 on I-81 NB just before 7PM EST

Interstate Image courtesy of www.trafficland.com

Updated: 7:48 PM EST
All lanes of I-81 neart exit 227 are open and traffic is flowing. Wreckers are clearing the scene Southbound traffic if flowing normally as well. But, there is a couple mile backup of traffic slowly clearing itself leading up where the scene was. Should work itself out over next hour.

Verona, Virginia
Sunday 11.2.08 7 PM EST

Authorities are working a serious tractor trailer accident on I-81 north of Staunton, Virginia northbound at the Verona, Virginia exit (227). The truck is on fire, carrying batteries, and they are reported to be exploding. Fire crews are on scene.

State Police have traffic blocked at exit 225 NB. Some traffic is flowing in the center, but very little.

It is highly suggested you avoid the area for the next several hours until the accident scene is cleared.

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  1. I was the second car on the scene at a very bad tractor trailer fire on interstate 81 north last night (11/3/2017)last night around 8:00 p.m. at exit 227 Verona, virginia. Trailer was obliterated, but when the lanes reopened, I saw that the truck driver had actually disconnected his trailer from the cab and pulled it further down the interstate a ways. I was so impressed! He saved countless people from injury or worse since the gas tanks of the truck were not left with the burning trailer. Any way you can find out the name of the trucking company? Everyone is always so quick to report bad stuff, I would really really like to contact the trucking company and tell them how great this guy was. I don’t have facebook…I live in the stone age in my cabin in the woods..so I would need to email or text the company. Hope you can help.


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