RVCC : First Saturday Community Market Kicks Off 2008-2009 Season

Photos By Tommy Stafford : FIrst Saturday Community Market kicked off this past Saturday morning at RVCC
Photos By Tommy Stafford : FIrst Saturday Community Market kicked off this past Saturday morning at RVCC

November’s monthly pancake breakfast at The Rockfish Valley Community Center marked the start of the season for the First Saturday Community Market as well. The indoor market kicks in and takes over when the Nelson Farmers Market stops until next year. The market dates coincide with the monthly pancake breakfast at RVCC. Be looking for the holiday market in December!

Before the market, Yvette, filled up on pancakes and introduced Adam to his first RVCC breakfast! Sharon Stacey and son Derrick, left, and Gifford Childs, right say hello!
Before the market, Yvette, filled up on pancakes and introduced Adam to his first RVCC breakfast! Sharon Stacey and son Derrick, left, and Gifford Childs, right say hello!
Phillip Thompson and son John from Beech Grove showed up to check out the market too!
Phillip Thompson and son John from Beech Grove showed up to check out the market too!
Many of the same vendors you see at the summer market are back this fall and winter!
Many of the same vendors you see at the summer market are back this fall and winter!
There's tons of locally grown food!
There's tons of locally grown food!
Live entertainment!
Live entertainment!
And lots of locally produced products like cheese! Yummy!
And lots of locally produced products like cheese! Yummy!
See you at the next Community Market!
See you at the next Community Market!


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